Below is a list of the papers currently on file. |
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Electric Utility Electrostatic Precipitators To Fabric Filters
By: Charlie Barranger & Keith Bradburn
Date of Publication: unknown
here to view PDF
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Meter Evaluation Learn from NASCAR
By: Larry Boyer
Date of Publication: unknown |
Abstract: No different than a trained NASCAR driver, a well oriented plant engineer, operation engineer, electrical supervisor, or a vendor's field engineer, should be able to check at a glance and determine if all fields are operating up to par. |
Guide for the Structural Design of Electrostatic Precipitator Casings and Ductwork
By: Richard L. Gentile, PE
Date of Publication: August 24, 2001
Abstract: In general, the structural design of ESP casings and associated ductwork, in an air pollution control system, has been done using standards established by the manufacturers of the pollution control equipment. Likewise, the design of ductwork for power plants follow the standards established by utility companies, individual boiler manufacturers and/or A & E firms. |
Rebuilding and Upgrading Electrostatic Precipitators — A Consultant's Perspective
By: Robert R. Crynack
Date of Publication: unknown
Abstract: Electrostatic precipitators (EPs) have been used for particulate emissions control for nearly 100
years. They are used in many different industrial applications. With new, more stringent pollution control regulations and the high cost of new pollution control equipment, many users are looking for ways to rebuild and upgrade their existing equipment in the most cost-effective way. Many users do not understand all that is required to properly design and operate EPs to achieve maximum efficiency and life expectancy, while minimizing maintenance costs. Sometimes the interests of equipment suppliers do not correspond with the best interests of the user .Sometimes the proposed equipment from suppliers varies greatly. These circumstances have resulted in a worldwide trend of replacing old equipment with oversized new equipment at great expense to the users. |